Ammy Virk, Pari Pander, and Nasir Chinyoti starrer ‘Annhi Dea Mazaak Ae’ has finally made it to the theatres. Written and directed by Rakesh Dhawan, the film has been produced by Gurpreet Singh Prince and Karaj Gill. The film is a perfect weekend watch if you wish to have a dose of laughter blended well with romance. Still if you are unable to decide that whether you should go to the theatres or not to watch this film, let us help you in making the decision.
Punjabi filmmakers have repeatedly proved that they love to experiment with different concepts and genres. Though ‘Annhi Dea Mazaak Ae’ is a rom-com, the film’s story is packed with a new idea, hilarious dialogues, and some suspense. Basically, it is a perfect blend of everything that we call entertaining.
This movie marks the debut of Pari Pandher, and she has been paired with Ammy Virk. This new jodi got the audience’s hope high right from the word go. And well, they did live up to the expectations in the film. The fresh chemistry between the two is one of the USPs of the movie.