Gippy Grewal will soon be seen opposite Sonam Bajwa in Carry On Jatta 3. Directed by Smeep Kang, the film will hit the silver screens on June 29. The Free Press Journal caught up with the actress for an exclusive chat. Excerpts:
What are your expectations from Carry On Jatta 3?
I have a lot of expectations from this film. The entire team has worked very hard. The first film in this franchise was released in 2012 and the second came out in 2018. This time, we had decided to bring this franchise in just three years but somehow it again took almost five years. We always come with just one target that is to entertain our audiences so that they can enjoy it to the utmost.
What have you introduced in this third part that will allure your audiences to the theatres?
To make it good we tried to stick to the essence and the feel of the first two films because that is the important ingredient of our film. We tried to make it on a large scale. We shot in London and tried to keep huge and happening visuals, larger than life kind. Our songs have been penned with wonderful lyrics and shot lavishly. The story of the premise and the characters are the same. The names of our characters are the same.
You had cast Mahie Gill in the first part and then in parts 2 and 3, you have cast Sonam Bajwa. Any specific reason to cast her?
Mahie was busy doing other films. Also, she did few Punjabi films and she was not having dates as she was busy with other projects. Therefore, she couldn’t be here. However, we still have a very great relationship with Mahieji. Since Sonam did the second one and the pairing was also liked, we cast her in the third one as well.
How confident are you about the success of this film and which territories will bring you more moolah?
We are very confident about the success of our film. Especially in Canada, Punjabi films release are seen many fold bigger than Hindi films. We have sold the film as a whole. Whichever territories take the film in bits, we have released it there on our own. It was a proper release from our end. We dealt directly with exhibitors simply because we want proper shows. We have done proper promotions also. We promoted it in Mumbai because people here also never come to know about Punjab film releases.
So, your relationship with Aamir Khan strengthened more after Laal Singh Chaddha even though you didn’t allow your son to be cast in his film as he had to cut his kesh?
It’s not so.We were sharing a great bond even before this Laal Singh Chaddha project.
But you have short hair and you don’t want your son to cut his hair, why?
When I was small, even my hair was long. My elder brother had to shave his hair owing to bad times that were prevalent then. I also cut my hair after seeing him do so. Later on, I did feel sad for having cut my hair. But now, I have allowed my children to have long hair. They can cut it after they grow up if they wish to do so. But I as a father want them to keep it long.
But your son missed a role in Laal Singh Chaddha. Your comment?
I don’t feel he has missed anything. He is a good performer and in life one has to take their life ahead doing hard work. Whatever Wahe Guru has written in his life, no one can stop it.