he ‘Shukravaar Ka Vaar’ heightens the fear of weekly assessment among the contestants of COLORS’ Bigg Boss 16. This weekend, the Dabangg host Salman Khan kicked off the ‘Vaar’ by taking over the house as he assigned various tasks to the housemates. We saw the range of acrid juices with different tags on them placed in the living area and the contestants had to give one glass with a tag to another contestant and specify the reason. It made for an interesting to watch to see what Code Name Tiranga stars Parineeti Chopra and Harrdy Sandhu will add to the drama.
This was not the only revelation made in the ‘Bigg Boss’ house. Many shocking ones followed through with another task that turned out to be the backbiters’ nightmare. Precious items of a few housemates were hidden through a secret task and host Salman Khan offered them a chance to earn their belongings back if they guessed who made the cited statements. A few appalling statements made by the contestants made it to this guessing game. The housemates were visibly shocked to learn that the ones they considered their allies had stabbed them in the back at the slightest or no provocation.
It was disclosed that a few days ago, Soundarya Sharma foretold that Ankit Gupta’s mother won’t be very happy if Priyanka Chahar Choudhary becomes the ‘bahu’ of the Gupta family. Priyanka guessed that Soundarya is the one who made this statement. A heated argument erupted between Priyanka-Ankit and Soundarya. Salman Khan too had some interesting tid-bits to say to the trio. The round of guesses ended up creating many rifts among contestants and changed the manner of politics in the house.
After a few housemates are unmasked, the ‘Vaar’ was later graced by Parineeti Chopra and Harrdy Sandhu, who were promoting their upcoming film Code Name: Tiranga and were introduced to the housemates. A spate of entertaining elements followed as Abdu sang for Parineeti, MC Stan performed a feisty rap for Harrdy Sandhu and the latter also confessed his fandom for the rapper. Shalin Bhanot grooved with Parineeti to a song from their upcoming film.
Known for her mellifluous vocals, Parineeti and Harrdy also sang songs in another fun task where the contestants ventured guesses as to ‘whom does the song describe the best’.
Later in the episode, the contestants got a reality check and it wasn’t our favourite host Salman Khan presenting it. It was handed out by contestant Sumbul Touqeer’s father Touqeer Hasan Khan through MeTV. He conveyed to his daughter that she’s not playing the game and is hardly seen on the show. He also expressed that through the show she should become an inspiration for girls who want to be independent. He not only reprimanded a few housemates for spreading rumours about his daughter but also applauded those who stood by her when needed. How these revelations alter the game remains to be seen.
Bigg Boss 16 airs on Mondays and Fridays at 10pm and Saturdays and Sundays at 9.30pm on Colors.