The news of Diljit Dosanjh performing at Coachella has brought millions of hearts joy. He has created history at the music fest by making people do the bhangra. Audiences from different walks of life and nationalities have been seen dancing to his music. He didn’t only represent himself at the music fest but the entire community of Punjabi artists and left an impression of Punjabi music on the global platform.
The artist is getting love from all around the world and social media has a number of posts appreciating Diljit’s work. One of the posts that caught our attention is by a film writer-director Jagdeep Sidhu. Sharing a video of Diljit from Coachella, Jagdeep penned a beautiful note.
In the note Jagdeep Sidhu turned emotional when he wrote about Diljit, mentioning how times have changed. Diljit was once a kid who didn’t have money to come to Chandigarh, he borrowed Rs 100 from a friend and boarded the bus of his dreams. Step by step he moved ahead in his career and today he has reached the stage of Coachella.
The filmmaker also mentioned how haters tried to troll Diljit on various occasions, but today this turban-clad man kept the pride of his turban and created history.
Jagdeep Sidhu and Diljit Dosanjh last worked together on the movie ‘Shadaa’; next their duo will be seen in ‘Zora Malki’. The film will be hitting the big screens in 2024.