Punjabi singer-actor Gippy Grewal, who is preparing to release his upcoming movie ‘Mitran Da Naa Chalda’, has taken to his social media handle to announce his other project. He has shared that the third installment of his highly loved movie ‘Manje Bistre’ will be released in 2024, on July 26.
Sharing the title poster of the movie, he wrote -“#ManjeBistre3 Releasing Worldwide in cinemas on 26th July 2024”
The franchise ‘Manje Bistre’ revolves around the Punjabi wedding culture. In Punjab whenever there’s a wedding, then bedding and mattress are taken from neighbors to accommodate the guests. This is like a custom that keeps the Punjabi community in a close-knit circle.
The first installment of this movie showcased a Punjabi wedding happening in a village, the second showed the marriage function happening in a foreign land but with all Punjabi flavors, and now let’s see what the third one brings.Further, directed by Baljit Singh Deo, the movie’s stellar star cast includes Gippy Grewal, Gurpreet Ghuggi, B.N. Sharma, Raghveer Boli, Nisha Bano, and more.